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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Spring Is Here & So Is Pollen

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

As the season finally warms pollen is close behind it. Often times it is nowhere near as welcomed as the warm weather. Running noses and itchy eyes do not seem like a dream come true but they are a reality for most people suffering from allergies. Common seasonal allergies include oak, western red cedar, sycamore, maple, elm, birch, ash, cypress, walnut, hickory, and poplar tree pollen and well as a number of weeds and grass varieties. Various symptoms include sneezing, congestion and itchy eyes, ear, nose, as well as throat. To combat this many homeowners, believe that they will be safe from such allergens inside.

Dirty duct work however can cause allergens to follow you inside your home as well. A professional duct cleaning by SERVPRO® can be effective at removing potentially disturbing allergens from persisting in your home.

Give SERVPRO of New Kent, Williamsburg, and Northern Neck a call at 804-966-1400 or Toll Free @ 1-800-889-5002.

We care and want to help get your Dirty Ducts cleaned today

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